About us

Orbis Consulting is a financial modeling consulting firm. All we do is create, review, and train others to use financial models. We help our clients process deals in the corporate and project finance spaces more quickly and efficiently.

Quicker diligence processes

Orbis models reduce user cognitive load and help answer questions you didn't even know someone could ask before they become sticking points in your deal.

Faster analytics

"Does this deal make sense?" "If interest rates go up, what's the maximum interest expense I can afford and still hit my return threshold?" Orbis models help users answer these types of questions quickly so you can invest in assets that make sense and move on from those that don't.


Model build

You know a bad model when you see one and also know how a bad model can slow down an otherwise smooth deal process. We collaborate with our clients to build transparent financial models that help speed transaction success.

Model review

We use a combination of cell-by-cell analysis and proprietary software to review each calculation in your model to provide your deal team assurance that the numbers are accurate.


​During Orbis training courses, we start with a blank inputs tab...then we use state-of-the-art Excel coding and market commercial insights to help you build a bankable analytical tool. Our clients love the pacing, one-on-one attention, and market intelligence they derive from using our courses.

Client testimonials

Josh Kaufman
Nexus Development Capital
Working with Orbis was great. They listened to me at every step of the model build. And their modeling helped us get just the results we needed to make our investment decision.
Tilesh Patel
Legion Healthcare Partners
The model Neil & the team at Orbis created for us helped us reduce diligence times & speed through to a negotiated deal quickly & efficiently. I’d highly recommend Orbis & look forward to the chance to work with them again.
Josh Kaufman
Nexus Development Capital
Working with Orbis was great. They listened to me at every step of the model build. And their modeling helped us get just the results we needed to make our investment decision.

Case studies

Templates available with customization

Solar project finance (with tax equity)

Corporate finance

Project finance

Companies we’ve worked with

Leadership team


Why we hate YEARFRAC

“F*@#ing YEARFRAC.” That was the only thing my MD mumbled...

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